LGLCI Red River Grazing Conferences
The Louisiana Grazing Lands Coalition Initiative, The LSU AgCenter and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service are hosting two grazing conferences in Bossier City on September 28th and 29th. The conferences are divided into two days: Day 1 - "The Basics of Applied Grazing Management," and Day 2: "Advanced Grazing Management."
USDA NRCS Area Range Conservationist, Stuart Garner says, the basic course is for you if are considering switching your management over to controlled grazing, are new to raising grazing animals, or just need a refresher course. Fundamental principles, methods, and design, will be the focus. He says, the advanced course is for producers that have experience with implementation of controlled grazing management. Attendees should desire more detailed information on techniques, concepts, principles, and economics. Garner says, "the focus will be on providing tools to achieve progress and continued success."
The LGLCI hosts workshops like these to provide exposure, information and reference materials to Farm and Ranch Land Owners, Operators, Owners, and Staff, Livestock Producers, and Industry Professionals, regardless of level of experience.
Registration is $15 per day or $25 for both days. Pre-Rigistration is requested. Please register here.
To view and print the flyer, click here.